function RandomSplit($min, $max, $str){ $a = array(); while ($str != ''){ $p = rand($min, $max); $p = ($p > strlen($str)) ? strlen($str) : $p; $buffer = substr($str, 0, $p); $str = substr($str, $p, strlen($str)-$p); $a[] = $buffer; } return $a; } //范例: /* ** Example: */ $test_string = 'This is a example to test the RandomSplit function.'; print_r(RandomSplit(1, 7, $test_string)); /* Outputs something like this (Array items are 1 to 7 characters long): Array ( [0] => This [1] => is [2] => a exam [3] => ple to [4] => test t [5] => he [6] => [7] => ran [8] => d_spl [9] => it f [10] => un [11] => ction. ) */
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