cycle.js是一个功能非常强大的幻灯片插件,支持创建一个标题,显示幻灯片个数 图像计数;使用元数据,如一个“alt”属性,能够显示标题;图像淡入淡出;使用外部控制推进到一个特定的幻灯片播放 水平滚动
0、请不要问“在不在”之类的问题,有问题直接问!1、学生或暂时没有工作的童鞋,整站资源免费下载!2、¥9.9充值终身VIP会员,加我微信,826096331 拉你进VIP群学习!3、程序员加油,技术改变世界。在线 充值
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cycle.all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
演示一:shuffle 洗牌
<div id="shuffle" class="pics">
<img src="" width="200" height="200" />
<img src="" width="200" height="200" />
<img src="" width="200" height="200" />
fx: 'shuffle',
easing: 'easeOutBack',
delay: -4000
fx: 'zoom',
sync: false,
delay: -2000
演示四:turndown 可翻下的
fx: 'turnDown',
delay: -4000
演示四:curtainX 拉开窗帘
fx: 'curtainX',
sync: false,
delay: -2000
fx: 'scrollRight',
next: '#right',
timeout: 0,
easing: 'easeInOutBack'
$.fn.cycle.defaults = {
fx: 'fade', // name of transition effect (or comma separated names, ex: 'fade,scrollUp,shuffle')
timeout: 4000, // milliseconds between slide transitions (0 to disable auto advance)
timeoutFn: null, // callback for determining per-slide timeout value: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag)
continuous: 0, // true to start next transition immediately after current one completes
speed: 1000, // speed of the transition (any valid fx speed value)
speedIn: null, // speed of the 'in' transition
speedOut: null, // speed of the 'out' transition
next: null, // selector for element to use as event trigger for next slide
prev: null, // selector for element to use as event trigger for previous slide
// prevNextClick: null, // @deprecated; please use onPrevNextEvent instead
onPrevNextEvent: null, // callback fn for prev/next events: function(isNext, zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement)
prevNextEvent: 'click.cycle', // event which drives the manual transition to the previous or next slide
pager: null, // selector for element to use as pager container
//pagerClick null, // @deprecated; please use onPagerEvent instead
onPagerEvent: null, // callback fn for pager events: function(zeroBasedSlideIndex, slideElement)
pagerEvent: 'click.cycle', // name of event which drives the pager navigation
allowPagerClickBubble: false, // allows or prevents click event on pager anchors from bubbling
pagerAnchorBuilder: null, // callback fn for building anchor links: function(index, DOMelement)
before: null, // transition callback (scope set to element to be shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag)
after: null, // transition callback (scope set to element that was shown): function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag)
end: null, // callback invoked when the slideshow terminates (use with autostop or nowrap options): function(options)
easing: null, // easing method for both in and out transitions
easeIn: null, // easing for "in" transition
easeOut: null, // easing for "out" transition
shuffle: null, // coords for shuffle animation, ex: { top:15, left: 200 }
animIn: null, // properties that define how the slide animates in
animOut: null, // properties that define how the slide animates out
cssBefore: null, // properties that define the initial state of the slide before transitioning in
cssAfter: null, // properties that defined the state of the slide after transitioning out
fxFn: null, // function used to control the transition: function(currSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, afterCalback, forwardFlag)
height: 'auto', // container height
startingSlide: 0, // zero-based index of the first slide to be displayed
sync: 1, // true if in/out transitions should occur simultaneously
random: 0, // true for random, false for sequence (not applicable to shuffle fx)
fit: 0, // force slides to fit container
containerResize: 1, // resize container to fit largest slide
pause: 0, // true to enable "pause on hover"
pauseOnPagerHover: 0, // true to pause when hovering over pager link
autostop: 0, // true to end slideshow after X transitions (where X == slide count)
autostopCount: 0, // number of transitions (optionally used with autostop to define X)
delay: 0, // additional delay (in ms) for first transition (hint: can be negative)
slideExpr: null, // expression for selecting slides (if something other than all children is required)
cleartype: !$.support.opacity, // true if clearType corrections should be applied (for IE)
cleartypeNoBg: false, // set to true to disable extra cleartype fixing (leave false to force background color setting on slides)
nowrap: 0, // true to prevent slideshow from wrapping
fastOnEvent: 0, // force fast transitions when triggered manually (via pager or prev/next); value == time in ms
randomizeEffects: 1, // valid when multiple effects are used; true to make the effect sequence random
rev: 0, // causes animations to transition in reverse
manualTrump: true, // causes manual transition to stop an active transition instead of being ignored
requeueOnImageNotLoaded: true, // requeue the slideshow if any image slides are not yet loaded
requeueTimeout: 250, // ms delay for requeue
activePagerClass: 'activeSlide', // class name used for the active pager link
updateActivePagerLink: null, // callback fn invoked to update the active pager link (adds/removes activePagerClass style)
backwards: false // true to start slideshow at last slide and move backwards through the stack
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