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<div class='thumbnailWrapper'>
<a href='http://www.erdangjiade.com/js/587.html' target='_blank'> <img src='images/1.jpg' alt='jQuery8种不同的懒加载loading效果' /> </a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>jQuery8种不同的懒加载loading效果</p>
<a href='http://www.erdangjiade.com/js/588.html' target='_blank'> <img src='images/2.jpg' alt='鼠标悬浮图片背景变黑白的Masonry瀑布流插件' /> </a>
<div class='caption'>
<p class='captionInside'>鼠标悬浮图片背景变黑白的Masonry瀑布流插件</p>
$('.thumbnailWrapper ul li').hover(function() {
/* increase the image width for the zoom effect*/
width: parseInt(thumbnail.imgWidth) + thumbnail.imgIncrease,
/* we need to change the left and top position in order to
have the zoom effect, so we are moving them to a negative
position of the half of the imgIncrease */
left: thumbnail.imgIncrease / 2 * (-1),
top: thumbnail.imgIncrease / 2 * (-1)
}, {
"duration": thumbnail.effectDuration,
"queue": false
//show the caption using slideDown event
}, function() { //鼠标离开
//find the image and animate it...
/* get it back to original size (zoom out) */
width: thumbnail.imgWidth,
/* get left and top positions back to normal */
left: 0,
top: 0
}, thumbnail.effectDuration);
//hide the caption using slideUp event
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